by BFW News | Feb 22, 2021 | Archived, Employee Spotlight
Celebrating Inspiration for National Engineers Week In February we celebrate National Engineer’s Week, which always falls on the week encompassing George Washington’s birthday. The idea was conceived by the National Society of Professional Engineers. It’s an...
by BFW News | Feb 11, 2021 | Archived, Firm Spotlight
Together We’re Strong Part 5: Our Springfield Office Building a satellite office can be challenging even at a well-established firm like ours. You have a lot to live up to and a lot of work ahead of you to get the typical wrinkles ironed out that comes with a new...
by BFW News | Feb 1, 2021 | Archived, Firm Spotlight
Testing & Inspections: When You Cross the T and Dot the I Testing and inspections is a service we offer that many other firms will subcontract. The expertise is a can of worms, so to speak; once you open it you better have the time (and budget) to truly tackle it....
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