An Engineer’s Guide to Mother’s Day

An Engineer’s Guide to Mother’s Day In the annals of history, amidst the blueprints of grand inventions and the formulas of scientific breakthroughs, lies a day that even the most eccentric of engineers cannot overlook: Mother’s Day. Yes, that one...

An Engineer’s Guide to Apple Pie

An Engineer’s Guide to Apple Pie As you might know, we’ve accepted our anonymous engineer, informally known as “Mr. X” for all his follies and have grown quite concerned when months pass without a peep from him. We’re happy to say, in his usual topical fashion, our...

The Engineer’s Guide to Thanksgiving

The Engineer’s Guide to Thanksgiving We’ve reached an impasse, or a truce if you will. We are speaking of course of our tumultuous relationship with Mr. X, the anonymous engineer bent on providing topical life skills with what we think is a definite lack of courtesy....

The Engineer’s Guide to a Mint Julep

The Engineer’s Guide to a Mint Julep If you couldn’t guess, it’s me, your friendly neighborhood (anonymous) engineer. Yes, I still have free reign over our blog. I’m back to provide another topical piece of edutainment. It’s May, and if you’re from Kentucky or the...

An Engineer’s Guide to the Perfect Valentine

An Engineer’s Guide to the Perfect Valentine Hey, it’s me. The nameless engineer who has helped guide you in all things topical and seasonal, from banana bread to Easter eggs. You might be wondering why I’m addressing you directly. “Don’t the powers that be at...