Why We’re One of the Best Places to Work in Kentucky

In today’s tough business world, creating a workplace where folks aren’t just clocking in, but actually enjoying what they do, is key. BFW/Marcum, recently named one of Kentucky’s top workplaces, is a shining example of a place where people want to be. We sat down with our leadership to pick their brains and shed some light on how we’ve developed such a great reputation.

Building a Workplace Where People Thrive

Looking at Kentucky’s job market, it’s clear that happy workers mean better business. Studies show that when people are content, they stick around and work harder. With turnover being a big deal for Kentucky businesses, making sure our workplace is a good one is a no-brainer.

Mark Workman, Executive Vice-President, talked about the heart of our company culture. “It’s all about putting people first; people over process,” he said. That is our guiding light, making sure everyone feels valued and supported every step of the way.

Fairness, Respect, and Being Decent

Mark also dove into what makes our workplace fair and decent. “Paying people right isn’t just about the numbers on their paycheck,” he explained. “It’s about showing them they matter, and that their hard work is noticed, appreciated, and celebrated.”

He also stressed the importance of keeping toxic bosses at bay. “Bad leadership is like a virus,” he warned. “We’re all about having leaders who are empathetic, who actually listen, and who strive to make our workplace better everyday.”

A Workplace Where Everyone Has a Say

Baccus Oliver, Mechanical Engineer/Principal, echoed the importance of treating employees right. “Respecting our team is key,” he said. “Everyone has something valuable to bring to the table, and we want to hear it.”

Baccus likes to lead by example, calling himself a “servant leader.” “I don’t see the value in bossing people around,” he said. “I’m about supporting them, helping them grow, and being someone they can look up to.”

Learning and Growing Together

Baccus also opened up about his own journey as a leader. “It’s totally different for me,” he reflected. “I came on board to manage what was a 5-person firm, and now I help lead (not manage) a 29-person firm. I have had to learn leadership skills and improve myself to be ready for the task today. I am continuing to improve myself for the upcoming growth we anticipate initiating in our newest strategic plan. I hope my coworkers see our company values of excellence and passion in me and choose to mirror it.”

Chris Farmer, Geotechnical Engineer/Principal, stressed the importance of planning and looking out for each other. “Going from good to great takes work,” he said. “We’re all about making sure our team’s got what they need to do their best, both at work and in life.”

“At the end of the day, it’s all about people,” Chris summed up. “We’re here for each other, plain and simple.”

Getting Real Feedback and Keeping It Fun

Mark talked about the importance of being honest and open. “We want our folks to speak up and tell us what they think,” he said. “It’s all about trust and being real with each other.”

He also stressed the need to keep things light and fun. “Work shouldn’t be a matter of counting down the hours,” he said. “We’re all about having a good time and enjoying what we do even when the work is challenging.”

Fostering a Culture of Open Communication and Growth

“Continuing to foster a culture of open communication through regular team meetings and feedback sessions will encourage collaboration and transparency,” Mark emphasized. “Additionally, investing in employee development programs and wellness initiatives demonstrates our commitment to our teammates’ growth and well-being. Finally, and most importantly, continue to put people over process. We will continue to create an environment that is supportive and inclusive where teammates feel valued and motivated to contribute their best.”

Here’s to Three Years Running

At BFW/Marcum, we’re all about keeping it real and treating each other right. By building a workplace where people feel valued, supported, and respected, we’re not just making a great place to work – we’re building a community. And that’s something we’re pretty proud of. We’re happy to be called a “best place to work” for two years running. To be honest, we couldn’t envision it any other way. Here’s to three years, and four, and five; you get the idea!