Harco Road TARP Resurfacing

BFW Engineering and Testing performed Phase III construction engineering on an eight-mile hot mix asphalt resurfacing project on Harco Road in Saline County, Illinois.  The Phase III construction inspection consisted of the layout and inspection of hot mix asphalt milling, butt joint milling and reconstruction, HMA binder course, HMA surface course, aggregate shoulder, raised pavement markers, and traffic control just to name a few.  The project included all daily diary entries, weekly reports to the contractor, bituminous daily paving records, inspector daily reports, contract quantities placed, field book entries, authorizations, pay estimates, and job closeout.  The material testing included running all project random numbers for field density/plant production and collecting all HMA samples from the asphalt plant to be transported to IDOT.  This testing is required by IDOT’s standard specifications to control the HMA mixtures placed on the job and was done in accordance with the IDOT local quality control specifications for Hot Mix Asphalt to control the various metrics necessary for all mixes used on this contract.