Buckner Lane Bridge Replacement

This project involved the replacement of a 30’ concrete bridge over Crooked Creek with a new 3-span concrete bridge. The new bridge is 32’-5” feet wide and 80’-1¼” end to end with 36” single slope barriers. The bridge was designed to AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications (KYTC Standard Specifications for construction). Additionally, areas around the bridge were realigned and armored with rip-rap to aid in preventing erosion along the banks with the construction of the new structure. The construction of this new bridge was part of Paducah’s overall stormwater management plan which aided in allowing more flow through capacity for Crooked Creek.

The construction of this structure required environmental clearances and permitting. BFW preformed components of an aquatic ecosystem analysis, terrestrial ecosystem analysis, wetland and stream delineation, and compliance with Section 7 of Endangered Species Act (ESA). The field surveys were performed to assess resources and potential impacts to aid in the planning, designs, and construction of the bridge. There were 15 identified federally listed species that had the potential to occur within the project area. Consultation with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) occurred to address any potential habitat and through permitting conditions the project received both the KDOW 401 permit as well as the USACE Nationwide Permit 13 and 14. The Project was constructed in 2023.