Local Public Agencies—the Stewards of Infrastructure
Local Public Agencies—the Stewards of Infrastructure How does a park, bridge, or roadway stay maintained? Beyond that, how do new structures even get off the ground? One of the many proponents, or stewards, of these new and ongoing public projects are Local Public...
Engineering a Conversation; 4-Star General Stanley McChrystal
Engineering a Conversation; 4-Star General Stanley McChrystal As engineers, we understand the power of an idea. It often starts with a conversation and goes from there. Inspiration comes from conspiration. An idea with nowhere to go is no idea at all. That’s precisely...
An Engineer’s Guide to Apple Pie
An Engineer’s Guide to Apple Pie As you might know, we’ve accepted our anonymous engineer, informally known as “Mr. X” for all his follies and have grown quite concerned when months pass without a peep from him. We’re happy to say, in his usual topical fashion, our...
Laying the Groundwork with Seismic Analysis
Laying the Groundwork with Seismic Analysis When you think of a building or structure, the last thing you might consider are two very important things about its structural integrity; it moves more than you think, and the soil beneath it may not be as solid as you...
Safe, Efficient, All-Around Better; Our Drone Work
Safe, Efficient, All-Around Better; Our Drone Work When we speak of “laser pulses,” we’re not writing about science fiction, but science fact. While engineering is a timeless tradition with deep ties to our past and present, it’s worth noting that the future is...
We Are One Big Family. No, Literally. (Part 3)
We Are One Big Family, No, Literally (Part 3) In part 3 of “We Are One Big Family. No, Literally.” We conclude our series that celebrates the familial connections we share at BFW/Marcum. Baccus & Faith – Father & DaughterBaccus is a voice we hear often around...
We Are One Big Family. No, Literally. (Part 2)
We Are One Big Family, No, Literally (Part 2) Family is everything—whether you’re speaking of the people you work with, the community you serve, or, you know, those people you share a home and dinner table with. Yet, at BFW/Marcum, we have the distinct privilege of...
We Are One Big Family, No, Literally (Part 1)
We Are One Big Family, No, Literally (Part 1) You’ve heard us say in the past that we treat our team as family. It’s true; we’re all in this together, and we’ve learned long ago that you can’t go nearly as far as an individual as you can on the shoulders of your team....
Celebrating Our 2023 Interns
Celebrating Our 2023 Summer Interns National Intern Day was on July 27, and it’s also that time of the year—the summer days are long, but beginning to grow shorter, and our interns have turned from bashful college students into something that more closely resembles a...
Wetlands, Waterways, Riverbeds: How We Protect Our Region’s Ecosystems
Wetlands, Waterways, Riverbeds: How We Protect Our Region’s Ecosystems You can’t just build wherever you want, even if the area looks empty. A barren expanse of land might look innocuous to the untrained eye, but these areas specifically are ones in which wildlife...
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