Water Resources
BFW has extensive experience in water, wastewater, and sanitary sewer projects including planning, design, and construction administration services for numerous municipalities throughout the Midwest and Southeast region. We have assisted developers, architects, local and state governments, and private industry clients with the development of cost-effective designs for many new and renovation projects. In addition, we have successfully worked with state and federal funding programs, which include the US Economic Development Authority, State of Kentucky Appropriation Grant, USDA-Rural Development Grant, and the Coal-Severance fund. Our team members have extensive permitting experience with the Kentucky Division of Water, the US Army Corps of Engineers, and the Department of Highways.
Water Resources Service Details:
- Collection and Pumping
- Combined Sewer Overflow
- Computer Modeling
- Construction Administration
- Drainage Studies
- Financial/Rate Analysis
- Force Mains
- Grant Coordination & Funding
- Gravity Sewers
- Inflow/Infiltration Analysis
- Operator Training and Start-Up Assistance
- Pumping Stations
- Raw Water Intakes
- River Basin Planning
- Sewer Rehabilitation
- Source of Supply
- Start-Up and O&M Assistance
- Storage Tanks
- System Planning
- Transmission Mains
- Treatment/Pretreatment Facilities
- Water Distribution
- Wellhead Protection Plans
Stormwater Services and Capabilities:
- Stormwater master plans including design manuals ordinances
- Hydraulic and Hydrologic studies
- Flood protection including flood walls, levees, flood pumping stations, and flood-proofing buildings
- Dams design and inspection
- Flood insurance studies
- Stormwater control facilities design including channel pipes, detention basins, etc.
- Operations review of existing stormwater pump station