Renewable Energy
BFW’s renewable energy team consists of a group of highly skilled regulatory professionals, engineers, GIS specialists, biologists, and archaeologists. Our team identifies and analyzes site constraints and devises approaches to minimize impacts and increase value for solar development projects of any size.
The magnitude of development in solar energy projects, which are currently underway or in the planning stages, is unprecedented and the economics behind solar developments are clear. Solar development has taken off at a rapid pace due to the levelized cost of solar energy dropping below traditional forms of power generation. Combined with the high priority and importance placed on the reduction of carbon emissions and climate resilience, we continue to accelerate our involvement in the renewable energy mix. BFW strives to stay in the lead with evolving technology to support the necessary growth in renewable energy.
We have successfully partnered with multiple solar developers across the country. Our history of leading extensive solar planning projects, which includes engineering, environmental permitting, and advanced solutions, is a key factor in bringing value to our clients in the renewable energy markets.
Contact us to find out how our holistic and comprehensive approach can identify opportunities to streamline project timelines, minimize project environmental compliance and permitting costs, and reduce overall development costs.
Service Details:
- Joint Permitting – Agency Review (DNR, USACE and EPA)
- Endangered Species Review
- Wetland | Stream Assessment | Avoidance Measures
- Topographic Area Review for Logistics
- Geotechnical
- Pile Load Testing
- Thermal Resistivity Testing
- Electrical Resistivity Testing
- Civil and Site Design
- Road Plans (Grade, Drain and Surfacing Plans)
- Erosion Control Plans
- Boundary and Topographic Survey
- Geospatial Technologies:
- Mobile LiDAR
- Unmanned Aerial Services
- 3D Mobile Scanning
- Inspections
- Critical Impact Analysis – Reviews of current property conditions
- Phase I Environmental Site Assessments
- Wetland Delineations and Stream Assessments
- Threatened & Endangered Species Reviews
- Archaeological Review
- Site Plan Design
Solar Specific Experience:
- KMEA – Lyon County, Kentucky; 800 acres, 130 MW
- Berkley Energy – Pike County, Kentucky; 700 acres, 100 MW
- Private Developer – Alexander County, Illinois; 1400 acres, 200 MW
- Private Developer – Cass County, Illinois; 2000 acres, 200MW
Susannah Campbell
Environmental Manager
PH: 270.443.1995