Urbana Park District Learning Pavilion

Bacon Farmer Workman (BFW) was chosen to design the Urbana Park District Learning Pavilion project, funded by a $750,000 grant awarded to the Urbana Park District by the Illinois Department of Natural Resources. The design work included:

  • Pavilion:
    • Foundations
  • Adjoining Structure:
    • Foundation for fireplace
    • Foundation for the restrooms

Celebrating the 50th anniversary of the Urbana Park District Advisory Committee (UPDAC), the 30×40 foot pavilion features retractable sides for year-round use, a fireplace, and a restroom. Additional features include:

  • Grills
  • Drinking fountain
  • Path connections
  • Expanded parking lot with solar-powered lights and rain gardens

The pavilion is the new home for Nature Day Camp, available for rentals, and located at 1505 N. Broadway Ave., Urbana, IL. BFW is proud to have designed the foundations for a long-term community resource that will help educate children for years to come.