KY-416 Interchange
Henderson County, Kentucky

Bacon Farmer Workman Engineering & Testing, Inc. provided the complete surveying, roadway design and related traffic services for this project located in Henderson County, KY near the community of Robards. This interchange was constructed initially as a half diamond when the Breathitt Parkway (formerly Pennyrile Parkway) was constructed as a toll road circa 1969. The primary purpose of this project was to construct the remaining two legs of the diamond interchange allowing all southbound and northbound movements at this exit.
This project is within the portion of the Parkway that has been identified as IU section 5 of the Future I-69 corridor. All improvements were designed to be compatible with current Interstate Standards. Deficiencies that were corrected were ramp entrance and exit tapers, ramp curvature and super-elevation, and reconfiguration of ramp terminals. All surveys were performed by conventional methods and all manuscripts were produced by field surveys. An interchange modification report required by FHWA was prepared to satisfy the eight criteria per FHWA Policy on Access to the Interstate System (2009 Edition). The design for this project included Phase I and Phase II plans including right-of-way acquisition and construction plans. The environmental document was a Level 3 Categorical Exclusion.
* This project was selected by the American Council of Engineering Companies (ACEC) of Kentucky as an Engineering Excellence Award winner!