Partnering with Hafer and Deaconess, Bacon Farmer Workman (BFW) provided structural engineering services for the latest project for Deaconess. The Deaconess Clinic Felstead is an impressive 31,500 square foot structure and features:
- 18 primary care exam rooms
- 10 pediatric exam rooms
- 2 treatment rooms
- 2 behavioral health exam rooms
- Lab and X-ray facilities for future growth
- 8,500 square feet of shell space for future expansion
BFW was involved in the decision to use structural steel as the material for this structure. Based on the architectural design, BFW determined that steel moment frames would be the best option to provide lateral stability against code required wind and seismic forces and designed the steel structural system and the foundations to support the steel structure. BFW is proud to have aided in Deaconess’ mission to provide quality healthcare to the west side community of Evansville, Indiana.