CR643 over Juden Creek

Cape Girardeau Special Road District required a new bridge over CR643 at its intersection with CR645 which entailed roadway and bridge design along with construction administration. Bacon Farmer Workman (BFW) took on the new bridge project. However, the old bridge was unique in that it was trapezoidal in shape with one end being wider to accommodate a turning movement at the intersection which did not allow standard precast materials. Therefore, BFW designed the new bridge to be more economical while maintaining high safety and structural performance along with accounting for the abutment and wingwall design. To achieve this, the new designs allow for:

  • Bridge:
    • Standard dimension precast beams
    • Additional width on the approach nearest the intersection
  • Abutment and Wingwall:
    • A range of conditions in the quality of rock in a small area
    • Avoided unnecessary impact to existing features

The abutment and wingwall design specifically aimed at minimizing impact on the skewed stream channel, existing utilities, and limited right of way. In total, the construction cost was $712,000. BFW is proud to have successfully standardized the bridge design for easier repairs and material sourcing while also avoiding excessive impacts on the surrounding area.